
Sunday, May 4th, 20035/4/03- George, Devan, Cory, and I went to airsoft 1.0 in tolland, MA. it was a very fun day.. although no airsoft was played we had a blast. Putting names with faces was probably the most helpfull thing, I truly have to thank Jolly and Joe for their understanding as we forgot our waivers. on a side note: we saw a black squirrel which i've never seen before.. it was the funniest thing besides a member of team G.A.I getting lipstick on his face :) Dina out
Saturday, April 12th, 20034/12/03- George, Mike, Kevin and I went up to RPC today, although we were late due to getting lost looking for a sandwhich shop in boston it was a great day. CQB at the end was really the icing on the cake for most. More fun tomorrow. Dina Out.
Saturday, March 29th, 20033/29/03- George, Mike, Kevin, Jay, Mike P and I started off the day. It was pretty fun playing at afghan. I lost a highcap, and the gear on my motor stripped..but i thought it was the gearbox.. notice the people gone from the team. well you didnt show up, so you got removed. thats all for now. Dina out.
Saturday, March 22nd, 20033/22/03- George, Mike and I went up to RPC again, Kevin could not go because of prom. We had a great time up there. ShadowKings,Medic from Charlie Company and MTBS teamed up. From now on George,Mike,Kevin and I are known as DEADCELL, everyone else is MTBS. RPC could not have been more fun, the games were great. Team work by our team was awesome, I am going to get together with deadcell and call a meeting later in the week to see who we want off the team and who we want to stay. Obviously the people that dont show up dont really care anyways.. right guys? Dina Out.
Friday, March 21st, 20033/21/03- We are having a meeting right now and we have decided if you do not show up next saturday March 29th you will be removed from the team, no questions asked. You have to inform us if you can't attend with a GOOD REASON. we are sick of people not showing up anymore. Dina out.
Saturday, March 1st, 20033/01/03- Today we played a few small games at Summer Street. They are really building the houses now so this place wont be around for much longer. We just sent out 2 kids for one into the woods and had 4 find them. then did a quick 3 on 3. With the lack of people it was still very fun. Dina Out.
Saturday, February 22nd, 20032/22/03- We were going to play airsoft today when all parties almost got stuck in the snow. We decided to go to the barnstable shooting range and do some skeet shooting for.. like an hour. it was pretty fun. Got to shoot an old muzzle loader as well. George has a bruise on his shoulder from the side by side. all and all it was a great day. Dina Out.
Saturday, February 8th, 20032/8/03- Well, I just got back from RPC, thanks to George we got up there. Todays roster only included Mike, George and I. We tried to get ahold of kevin that night, but he slept at a friends house. All and all it was a great day, my cammies ripped *pants* its okay im getting new ones. We played a game in the village where I pretty much took out all of Charlie Company's Team. We un-leashed our new C-Company song :) it is to be left on murdock's answering machine. pics will be posted soon. Dina out.
Wednesday, February 5th, 20032/5/03- It looks like we might not be going up to the rock on sautrday due to the fact that many of the kids "have other things" to attend too. Mike and I still would like to go, but its going to be pretty damn hard to find a ride up there. But, So far it looks pretty good. I have recieved some e-mails from people but nothing thats like a definate answer. Anyways I will make another update tomorrow reguarding the info. Note: Anyone who knows if they can bring us and are viewing this page please e-mail me at vze2jhrv@verizon.net w/the subject THE ROCK.. otherwise i might delete it due to the fact that i only view e-mails from people i know. Dina out. :)
Saturday, January 29, 20031/29/03- The direction of this webpage is going to change in a dramatic fashion with in the up coming weeks, George is no longer in control of it. I, Jon "Dina" Medina will now take the control. It's being hosted off my computer so we dont get that stupid bandwidth error. What to expect, new flash intro, new message board and new lay out. Thank you come again :)
Saturday, January 18, 20031/18/03- We had another great game up at RPC. Nine of us went up... Dina, Sean, Hattfield, Kev, Ben, Mikey, B, Jay, and Me. We were packed in the car like a bunch of mexicans who were planning on crossing the border (sorry mikey). In total we had 11 people, 1 dog, and a shit load of gear, all packed in an 8 person rental car. It was like one of those fucking clown cars. I'd like to thank Kev's Dad for renting the car and driving us up there, we all appreciate it. Also thanks to Iceman for another great day of airsoft. Shadow Kings- it was good working with all of you guys. Charlie Company- it was good shooting you guys. And don't worry as usual your faces will be covered... hahahahahha!!!
Saturday, December 21, 200212/21/02- Yet again the entire team (with exception of Mikey, Kevin and George) failed to make the game... whats new. We worked on the trailer some, and Mikey practiced repelling into the trailer windows/door. Kevin got his digital camo, you can check out a picture of our digi vs woodland test here.
Sunday, November 24, 200211/24/02- We played a small game at the trailers... a little bit of a change from the past weeks. We're getting ready for the Stirgis game... something we're looking forward to. We recently talked to another Cape team and I think we are planning on a friendly game in the next couple weeks. Kevin got a new Ak and I'd say it's just as good if not better than his old one. The winter roster now includes: Ben, Chip, Sean H. and Jay.
Sunday, October 27, 200210/27/02- We played a couple games today... just four of us. Basically it was a "Surviving the Game" type skirmish, surprisingly pretty fun. We got some good pics... check them out in the skirmish section. We talked a lot about the team and decided that for this winter we are going to be making some changes. Check the Forums for the details, but for now here's a basic outline..
"Well so far as for the winter lineup the roster for MTBS is as follows:
Sean M.
If you dont see your name on here its probably because you haven't played in a hell of a long time. This does not mean your off the team or anything it just means that it doesnt look like your dedicated enough. If you want to be on the team you must 1.) Have a gun 2.) Purchase team camo and 3.) be willing to sacrifice 2 saturdays a month for practices/Games.
We are going to be actively involved in large scale skirmishes in tolland/ RPC and other neasg affiliated events. We need at least 2 saturdays a month to be able to train and mesh with each other in order to be tactically efficient in battle. We are also going to start planning in advance our games so that other plans wont make missing games possible. If this is too much for you we understand and wont think anything differently of you if you decide not to play for us. However every single one of us wants you to play! The whole point of this is to get us to have games like we did back in jan/feb/march." (Congbuster)
Saturday, September 28, 20029/28/02- We played for the first time at Operation Enduring Freedom. I must say that the field is probbly one of our best. Although it was pretty dark when we arrived we managed to get ne game in and some 4 wheelin' with Dina.
Sunday, September 8, 20029/8/02- Sorry I havn't updated much. This summer we really didn't play too much. Sunday we had a game at the new and improved Summer St. field. "Wisky Outpost ... Wisky Outpost ..." hahahahahahahaha!!! check out the pics
Wednesday, July 24, 20027/24/02- We had a small skirmish at the trailers. Only 7 of us, but we still had a couple of fun games. Check out the sweet PDW that Kev and Mikey rigged up. We have a pretty full schedule for the month of August- the 4th we will most likely be at Tolland- the 10th we're up at the Rock- And as of right now the 21 we're going out to Berkshire County to play against STAT. Can't Wait.
Saturday, July 20, 20027/20/02- We played up at The Rock for our second time. Again we would like to thank Iceman for a wonderful day of airsoft. Both Ben and Mikey went for their first time and both seemed to enjoy themselves. Thanks also to Big Daddy Dailey for the Ride.
For old news look in Our history Section